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Individual Education Plan (IEP) Day

Individual Education Plan (IEP) days are opportunities where parents, carers and their child or young person can meet with the class teacher and review progress and set new targets to achieve outcomes on a child’s Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).

There are three IEP days throughout the school year; once a term. School is closed for pupils on these days, aside from the invitation time where pupils are welcome and encouraged to join their families, if they wish, to review their progress.

IEP days changed in 2024 to allow parents and carers more access to the resources available to you and your family, and also to allow more time after the meeting so that you have an opportunity to look through your child’s work and progress. For all classes, there will be a designated break out space to sit and look through the work that the child or young person has produced this term. Earwig chronology will also be printed off for parents and carers to have a look through too.

In the hall there are refreshments with tea, coffee and business, and a brief 15 min headteacher presentation at 10:00am, 11:15am, 12:30pm, and 1:45pm.

We want our parents and carers to have full access on the day to the staff who are most involved in your child’s educational journey outside the classroom to discuss any points of interest or concern to. Therefore, in the hall will be:




Deputy Head

Deputy Head and DSL


Senior Mental Health Lead and DDSL

Lead Psychotherapist

School Counsellor

Youth Worker


ELSA and SALT Assistant

OT Assistant


Sarah Paoletti

Annie Richardson

Emma Jenkinson

Georgina Spoor

Mark Brown

Kym Clay

Kim Elliott

Will Marshall

Hannah Larby

Kinga Rzepecka

Toni Elliott


We recognise that for some families, they might find this easier to attend virtually (Via MS Teams), as in previous years. This is absolutely fine too. Digital copies of Earwig can be sent and an MS Teams meeting set up to review the IEP. Just let the class teacher know when they send you an IEP invitation email.

We look forward to seeing you on IEP day and please do come and find the team to ensure you leave with all the answers or support you need.